With the 2019/20 Condition Improvement Funding round anticipated to open in October 2018, now is an ideal time to contact our dedicated team to discuss your academy’s potential CIF bid(s).
Cowan & Co have been securing funding for academy schools since the ESFA introduced the first capital funding round in 2011. In our experience to ensure a CIF bid has the greatest chance of a successful outcome early project planning is crucial. Members of our team can advise on all aspects of the Condition Improvement Fund application process including the suitability of potential projects and whether they meet with the ESFA’s funding criteria. Our team will then prepare a thorough and comprehensive bid which encompasses the improvement priorities of your buildings.
The deadline for submissions is usually in December, however, the more time which is available to carry out building surveys, seek quotations, tender the works, secure planning approvals and prepare the bid documentation to the level of detail required to secure funding the greater the chance of a successful bid.
We are able to prepare your capital bids at no cost, on the basis that we are retained as your consultants to design and manage the project, should your bid be successful. If the bid(s) are unsuccessful then there would be no cost to the school.
If you are interested in how this vital funding can benefit your academy then please do not hesitate to Contact us to discuss how we can help.